Bias? What bias?
You've heard about the Episcopal church's liberal direction, right?
It's hard to miss when the media praises the "inclusiveness" etc., ad nauseum, of the Episcopal church.
Well the American branch of the Episcopal church has about 2 million members, and with the frequent (and fawning) news coverage of the ordination or promotion of yet another liberal and/or gay person within the American church, you'd think the Church as a whole is in decline...
But did you know ...
Recently the General Conference of the United Methodist Church voted against rules that would liberalize the church and set in place more of a pro-gay agenda. Didn't hear about it in the New York Times or Newsweek, did you? That's because there was no coverage... Apparently the U.S. liberals are angry at the growing influence of African and Asian church who (are you ready?) actually believe what the Bible says.
Read the article. It's fascinating, and encouraging.