A blog dedicated to asking if what Jesus said and taught and did is true. If it is, then how should we live? Should we live as if?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Just Like Me . . .

So i was reading a Christian blog site the other day and saw this article.  It's really a bold and uncompromising statement of our sinful state before God written in light of the recent VA Tech tragedy and honestly, i am not sure yet what my complete reaction to it is.  My first sense was "no way," but then as i went to Romans 3 to read again the Scripture quoted in this blog article, the overwhelming sense of just how fallen i really am.  But its not just me -- it's you too, and while i "know" that i have fallen short of the glory of God, to be confronted with the sinfulness and awfulness of sin is . . .  Discomforting.  What do you think?

God bless,

