A blog dedicated to asking if what Jesus said and taught and did is true. If it is, then how should we live? Should we live as if?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Talkin' 'bout God -- is troubling!

Oh puhleeeze ...

Chris Matthews has found something new to whine about:
Is, is this commentary about theocracy and going to God for approval? We've been through that with President Bush who said he, "didn't take advice from his father, he got it from another father." And we've been through this sort of Joan of Arc period. Are we gonna get another piece of this where God's leading candidates to run for president? I mean that sort of keeps us out of the conversation doesn't it? I mean, seriously, I mean God is telling her to run? And she's saying it openly on a secular television show? This isn't the religious hour....Talking about God, in a political setting is troubling to a lot of people. If you're talking about a big tent, this looks more like the church tent, not the big tent.

If he only knew how wonderful the LORD is . . .


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