A blog dedicated to asking if what Jesus said and taught and did is true. If it is, then how should we live? Should we live as if?

Monday, October 13, 2008


I have had enough. I just can no longer be quiet while watching the Obama campaign spin its lies and deception (with the help of the media, no less) and just let it happen.

What will it take for McCain to actually fight for a victory??? Why is he afraid to stop being afraid and start being fearless??? This race is his to lose, unless he starts doing something constructive, and soon.

An Obama presidency is not something to look forward to -- just as Jimmy Carter's presidency is not something to look back on fondly; people are forgetful, I think, of just how bad things were back then, how sanctimonious Carter and his liberal cronies were, and how miserable most everyone was -- "misery index" anyone? Do you really think a conservative (leaning, at least) presidency of McCain would give into the same sort of analysis rather than leadership?

There's a key distinction between Republicans and Democrats: the latter are content to inventory, collate, catalog and analyze their situation while proclaiming how bad things are. Republicans see the situation and exercise the leadership necessary to change the situation, not merely catalog the situation and bemoan the lack of a solution . . . so why, again, do people want an inexperienced man like Obama to be president?

